Red Light Traffic Ticket, NYS VTL § 1111

Running a red light is one of the most common traffic violations in New York State. Within the State and Westchester County, there are two ways to get a red light ticket: by a police officer or by mail via a red light camera ticket.

The Law and Its Exception

Every driver knows what a running a red light means. In fact, a potential driver must study this subject, be knowledgeable in it, and pass a written exam that test on this subject before being issued a driver license. So, drivers know, and the law (VTL § 1111-(d)) states that a driver cannot move his or her car until the light turns green. The only exception to the law is when an indicator (like a sign) allows a driver to continuing driving after having stopped for a red light.

Penalties and Fines For Red Light Traffic Violation Issued By Police Officer

Penalties and fines come in the form of points and money. A red light traffic ticket violation carries 3 points, can cause car insurance premium increases and trigger a DMV Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee. Fines vary depending on the population of the city in which the traffic violation was issued and whether is it a driver’s first, second or third offense. With that being said fines can range from $250 to $1,500. Plus, a surcharge of up to $93 is assessed.

Red Light Camera Tickets

The second way to get a red light traffic ticket is to be mail one. Red light camera violations are controversial because of a person’s Sixth Amendment right to confront his or her accuser. Even so, there are exceptions to this violation. For example, if it can be proven that a driver was in a medical emergency, it is a ground for dismissal.

Penalties and Fines For Red Light Camera Violations

A red light camera ticket is much like a parking ticket in that it is issued to the car, not the driver. So, it does not carry any points and it will not show on a driver’s driving history. Currently the fine for a red light camera ticket is $50.  

Find Out Your Options — Consulting a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Westchester County

Want the best outcome possible? Then let The Claro Law Firm fight hard for your rights! Call Elisa Claro, Esq. at 917-300-3334 or online at for a free consultation. By doing so you will let the best Westchester County traffic ticket attorney work for you. New York traffic Lawyer Elisa Claro, Esq. has handled thousands of traffic tickets throughout New York, including Westchester County – Yonkers, Tarrytown, White Plains. Let us set you up for success, call today!

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