No Seat Belt Ticket NYS VTL § 1229-c

“Buckle up, it’s the law.” So we have all been warned. The truth of the matter is that seat belts can save lives in a car accident. Adults know the consequences of not “buckling up” and bear the risk. But, children do not. That is why the law and courts take this violation seriously, especially for children who are passengers in a car.

The Law

With few exceptions, the law says to drive a car, the driver and all passengers must wear a seat belt. Pretty straight forward, but what are the consequences of  a No Seat Belt ticket?

Monetary Penalties

First and foremost, this ticket comes with a fine of about $100 plus a mandatory surcharge. Do not let this low price fool you. Pleading guilty to a New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1229-c (VTL § 1229-c) No Seat Belt – Driver ticket can cost thousands of dollars. This is because it can a car insurance increase. An auto insurance company can review a driver’s driving history for the past 36 months to check for violations. And, if any merit system violations are found in the insured’s driving history, then the car insurance company can increase the insured’s insurance rate.

Point Penalties

A second consequence is points. A No Seat Belt ticket issued to a driver carries 0 points and 3 points for a No Seat Belt ticket issued for a passenger.

Other Penalties To Keep In Mind

The same penalties may apply to out-of-state drivers who are issued a no seat belt ticket in Westchester County, or other counties in New York State. A driver should be aware that an out of state no seat belt ticket can cause harm.

There is because there is an agreement between states in which they will report convictions of traffic violations to one another that happened outside a driver’s home state. The driver’s home state then treats the convicted violation as if it happened in the home state and apply local laws to the out-of-state offense.

Find Out Your Options — Consult The Best Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Westchester County

Avoid the negative consequences of a no seat belt ticket conviction and as an added bonus, save money in the process. If you want the best outcome possible, then let The Claro Law Firm fight hard for your rights! Call your traffic attorney, Elisa Claro, Esq. at 917-300-3334 or online at for a free consultation. By doing so you will let the best Westchester County traffic ticket attorney work for you. New York traffic lawyer Elisa Claro, Esq. has handled thousands of traffic tickets throughout New York, including Westchester County – Yonkers, Harrison, White Plains, with fantastic results. Let your success begin today!

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